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Japanese JNC company established in Changshu LFT pellet plant [ 2012-01-22 ]
Long fiber composite manufacturers PlastiComp won awards [ 2012-01-22 ]
In the United States to start SABIC PP automotive composite material production [ 2012-01-22 ]
ECOTEX thermoplastic composite sandwich plates [ 2012-01-22 ]
North America Henk company expanding production of thermoplastic composite materials [ 2012-01-22 ]
With long glass fiber composite material made of concrete formwork [ 2012-01-22 ]
In 2017 the global LFT market will amount to 313,400 tons [ 2012-01-22 ]
2012: attention in the research and development of Technology [ 2012-01-22 ]
PlastiComp companies to strengthen R & D and production of LFT pellets [ 2012-01-22 ]
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