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Deimling/Jeliho expanding molding, mold making operations

By Kerri Jansen

Published: November 19, 2014 3:18 pm ET
Updated: November 19, 2014 3:20 pm ET

Deimling/Jeliho Plastics Inc., a custom thermoplastics injection molder and contract manufacturer located in Amelia, Ohio, is expanding its molding and mold making plant, the company has announced.

The company, in an eastern suburb of Cincinnati, is adding 22,500 square feet of molding and warehouse space to its facility, bringing the company’s total footprint to 100,000 square feet, a company representative said. The expansion also includes 1,500 square feet of office space.

The company expects to be in operation in the new space by March, running 48 injection molding machines and a full machine shop.

Deimling serves multiple end markets including food service, sporting goods, fluid proportioning, healthcare packaging and agriculture.

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