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SPE honors Patsy Beall

By Bill Bregar
Published: November 19, 2014 2:40 pm ET
Updated: November 19, 2014 2:53 pm ET

Image By: Courtesy Len Czuba
Patsy Beall, left, during a Nov. 15 dinner naming her an honorary member of SPE.

The Society of Plastics Engineers inducted SPE activist Patsy Beall as an honorary member, at a dinner Nov. 15 in Gurnee, Ill.

SPE rarely gives out the honorary member designation. Beall’s honor marks the first time an individual, rather than an organization, has been recognized for partnering with SPE. The society’s Past President’s Committee oversees and endows the award.

Beall is the wife of Plastics Hall of Fame member Glenn Beall, and a partner in Glenn Beall Plastics Ltd., a firm that provides consulting and seminars.

Patsy Beall works side-by-side with her husband, helping organize industry meetings and working the sign-in table at the SPE rotational molding conference and other events, the committee said. SPE honored Beall for her guidance of young professionals, advocacy of SPE and emphasis on education. SPE member Barbara Arnold-Feret nominated Patsy Beall for the honorary membership.

About 40 people attended the celebration dinner, including recently named managing director Russell Broome, who presented Beall with her membership certificate.

Mark Wolverton of the SPE Chicago Section organized the event. The dinner was sponsored by the Mold Making and Mold Design Division, the Chicago Section, the Rotational Molding Division and the Product Design and Development Division.

Wolverton said the recognition was well-deserved.

“Patsy is one of SPEs best cheerleaders — telling everybody about the great work that SPE does in education, in technology and in bringing people together that work in industry,” he said.

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