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GSE hires industry veteran Bob Preston as new CEO and president

By Bill Bregar
Published: November 19, 2014 11:24 am ET
Updated: November 19, 2014 1:31 pm ET

Image By: File photo
Bob Preston

Geosynthetic liner maker GSE Environmental Inc. has named a new CEO and president: Bob Preston, who left plastics machinery manufacturer Davis-Standard LLC on Nov. 18.

GSE announced the news on Nov. 19. Preston succeeds Charles Sorrentino, who will retire. Under Sorrentino’s leadership, GSE emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy in August under the new ownership of private equity firms Littlejohn & Co. and Strategic Value Partners.

The company has a new capital structure and stronger balance sheet, officials said.

Preston said Houston-based GSE, “has an excellent reputation in the industry and now has solid financial footing at this crucial growth juncture.”

Antonio Miranda, managing director of Littlejohn, thanked Sorrentino for guiding GSE through the Chapter 11 process. Sorrentino became CEO in 2013, after serving as the company’s interim CEO.

GSE, formerly known as Gundle Corp., makes polyethylene-based geomembranes, geonets, geocomposites and geosynthetic clay liners for landfills, mining, wastewater and aquaculture.

Davis-Standard, in Pawcatuck, Conn., is searching for a new CEO to replace Preston.

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